Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Break: The Final Itinerary

The last week of school before break is coming up, and at the beginning of March I'm going to be taking a pretty extended trip away from Hamburg. School breaks in Hamburg are much longer than in the USA. Breaks during the school year are two weeks, but the trade off is they only have two months of summer. Like I said earlier, for the first week I'm going to be between Amsterdam and Brussels with a day or two in Bruges, and after that I'm going to be flying back to Berlin for a few days for a little downtime between the first two legs of the trip.

After that I'm hopping on a plane and heading down to Granada, Spain to see my friend Shannon (the soloist in that ICVS video I linked to in the blog actually) for 4-5 days! I tried to get down to Spain for Christmas, but I ended up deciding to stay in Hamburg for the holidays, so this trip has been long coming. A few of my friends have spent time in Granada, and they all say that it's an amazing little city, so I'm really stoked to go and to see Shan again, and hoping the weather is pretty decent!

And, finally, it worked out that the annual German Fulbright Conference is the week after Hamburg's Spring Break, so after Spain I'm flying up to Berlin yet again to attend the conference. It should be a good time. My advisor at Ithaca, Michael Twomey, had a Fulbright Professorship in Dresden back in the day, and he said the research project presentations are really interesting to attend. The program is full of panels and workshops and presentations and networking opportunities and dinners, so it promises to be a good time. It'll be good to see the people I saw at orientation and exchange notes on our experiences too. I haven't seen a lot of them since September, so it'll be good to catch up and see how everything has been going in our own little corners of the country.

Traveling to Copenhagen back in January relit that little fire of Wanderlust in my stomach again. I was thinking the other day, and ever summer since 2007 I've managed to work in some big Adventure every year, be it road trips or backpacking or studying abroad, so travel has been a recurring theme in my life for a while. I'll miss everyone back in HH of course, but it'll be great living out of a backpack for a few weeks.

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